What are you doing to build your online social equity?.

What are you doing to build your online social equity?.

Not too sure what I meant by that statement? That’s OK! Most people wouldn’t. That just shows you how fast things are changing on the Internet. In time you’re going to hear more and more about this very important topic. Do you have a Powerful Social Media Presence? If not then you really need to read on… GOOGLE PLUS IS…The big kid on the block. Social and search have merged together. The business with the best Social Standing Will Win The Search Results. Getting on page 1 for Google in a local market can make or break a business. The only people that can review the Google+ Local business are other Google+ members. This means that social media is critical to local business optimization. If you want your business to stand any chance of being found on the first page of Google,You have to have your business supporters on Google+… There is only 3 different ways to get on the first page of Google. 1.Organic Search Ranking (SEO) 2.Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC) 3.Google+ Local listings. Are you a Google+ member? if not Your business will loose big time!. Most business owners have no idea where to start or how to get their business listed on Google+ and what” Strategies to implement” to have a chance of getting ranked on the first page of Google. That’s OK! because we’re here to help. We can help you build your online social equity and maintain your Local Social listing for you.

Data Digger Investagations.com Will save your business thousands of dollars per month in fee’s.

Get Data Digger Investagations to start building your online social equity Today!

Don Reykdal


Call Now! 780-479-0859