About Don Reykdal

Hello! Please allow me to introduce my self...I'm Don Reykdal From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada. I'm the owner and founder of Data Digger Investagations.com I'm an expert at Reputation Marketing and Management. I've been online since 1992 way before there was a thing called a mouse or the web with a graphic inter-phase. It was me and "DOS' and the biggest search engine was "Web-crawler" then Yahoo! came and took over,now Google is the big kid on the block, and now most people connect and surf the Internet with their phones. I've been online for 21 years now! and I look forward to the next 21 more years...My prediction is by 2018 we will access the Internet by a pair of glasses with a mini computer and it will obey all our voice commands. lol Do you have any questions about your businesses online reputation...Like how can I have a more Powerful Presence online? How can I start to protect my online reputation? How can I take control and build my online reputation? And why is it very important that I should get a Google plus page as soon as possible. Data Digger Investagations Helps Business Owners Build Positive Online Business Reputations. We help business owners attract more customers and earn more profit by implementing our Powerful Marketing Strategies that will build their online business reputation. We're committed to helping businesses build their business reputation into a five-star Reputation. I'd be happy to help!. I'm only a phone call away. To your online success. Don Reykdal Click the link below for more details https://www.datadiggerinvestagations.com

Do You Want to Attract More Customers?

Do You Want to Attract More Customers?

Did you know that the fastest growing way people access offline or online
businesses is via their mobile phones? In fact, 50% of searches come from
mobile devices. And the bulk of searches are done on GOOGLE.

If you don’t have a Google+ Page….You’ll be leaving a lot of money on the
table,and you’ll let your competitor get a Hugh edge over you in Google page

My goal is to provide and implement my Internet marketing strategies that

Don Reykdal

How to get your short unique Google+ URL

 How to get your short unique Google+ URL


1.Go to your Google+ profile page.

2. Copy the numbers in the address bar, this is your Google ID.

3. Go to ( WWW.gplus.to ) paste in the numbers and create an easy user name  

  and paste it in. Then you’ll get a new URL you can copy and send to your   


That way they can find you and your new URL will look great!

Below is my old Google+ URL


Below is my short unique URL


Which one would you like.

To Your Online Success!

Don Reykdal

Our New Business Card.

Thia is our new business card. How do you like it?

Do you have any questions about your businesses  online reputation…Like how can I have a more Powerful Presence online? Or How can I start to protect my online reputation? We’d be happy to help!.

To your online success. Don Reykdal




Is Your Website On Page # 1 Of Google?

Is Your Website On Page # 1 Of Google?

Well! if it isn’t what have you been doing about it? If you don’t know anything about “SEO” You’ll have to hire someone who does or do it the hard way and Educate yourself on the subject. But! you have to ask yourself this important question…Do I have the Aptitude? But! most important Do I have the TIME to devote to study and then the TIME to implement the knowledge I gained?  These are some hard questions to ask yourself but! they need  to be asked! and most Important they need answering! What answer did you come up with?

If your answer was I’ll need to hire someone, then your next task will be choosing who’ll you hire.

We’d  like the opportunity to help you with the “SEO” On your website. Please take a look at the Image below,we feel it speaks loud and clear about our results we can attain for our clients.

Our client below is bbqsecrets.ca



Welcome to Data Digger Investagations.com

If you don’t know the answers to the Five question’s below “Your business is in BIG TROUBLE! “

1. How many elements do you have built in your “Front end and Back-end campaign”.

2. Have you got someone who manages your social media channel’s?

3. Have you claimed the most Important! “Free” directory listing online?

4. Have you learn’t about the biggest change Google has made that will impact your profits the  most?

5. Are you building your online social equity?

Chances are you haven’t ! because you just don’t know where to begin, And you’re just too darn busy with the day to day operations of running your business. Again, don’t feel bad! The above questions can be overwhelming and hard to answer for anyone not familiar with Internet marketing and Search Engine optimization, not to mention all the technological changes taking place day by day.

It’s hard to keep up with all the technological changes that are taking place online.

And even if you are tech savvy…Do you really have the time running your business to put in the countless hours to implement all the strategies that you’d need to execute and manage a successful landing page campaign. You know the answer to that.

Just remember you’re not alone… We’re here to help!

We’re only a phone call or email away.

When You Become Successful! We Become Successful! TM

Get your “Free Evaluation” of your website or landing page . Then you too could enjoy an average of 25% to 35% increase in your conversion rates.


To Your Success

Don Reykdal

Internet Marketing Consultant

