About Don Reykdal

Hello! Please allow me to introduce my self...I'm Don Reykdal From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada. I'm the owner and founder of Data Digger Investagations.com I'm an expert at Reputation Marketing and Management. I've been online since 1992 way before there was a thing called a mouse or the web with a graphic inter-phase. It was me and "DOS' and the biggest search engine was "Web-crawler" then Yahoo! came and took over,now Google is the big kid on the block, and now most people connect and surf the Internet with their phones. I've been online for 21 years now! and I look forward to the next 21 more years...My prediction is by 2018 we will access the Internet by a pair of glasses with a mini computer and it will obey all our voice commands. lol Do you have any questions about your businesses online reputation...Like how can I have a more Powerful Presence online? How can I start to protect my online reputation? How can I take control and build my online reputation? And why is it very important that I should get a Google plus page as soon as possible. Data Digger Investagations Helps Business Owners Build Positive Online Business Reputations. We help business owners attract more customers and earn more profit by implementing our Powerful Marketing Strategies that will build their online business reputation. We're committed to helping businesses build their business reputation into a five-star Reputation. I'd be happy to help!. I'm only a phone call away. To your online success. Don Reykdal Click the link below for more details https://www.datadiggerinvestagations.com

Edmonton’s hardest working SEO Specialist Don Reykdal.

Edmonton’s hardest working SEO Specialist Don Reykdal would be pleased to help your business with all your SEO Needs.

I will analyze your businesses web pages to see if there are any problems with your meta tags that are stopping your page (s) from ranking on the first page of Google. Call Data Digger Don Today! 780-479-0859

Watch the video below and see how I have ranked one of my client’s on the first page of Google for a number of keywords and phrases. Then call me and put me to work so I can do the same for your business.  Let’s make some money…Shall we.  

Data Digger Don’s Twitter Tip.

Data Digger Don’s Twitter Tip.

My tip for you today!

So you want another twitter account but you don’t want another email to manage or password to remember. You’re going to love this.

You can Link Multiple Twitter Accounts with One Email but! In order to do this you’ll need a Gmail or Google Apps email address. One of the great things about Gmail is you can add a dot (.) anywhere in the username and all emails address to that new alias will still be sent to your mailbox. Here’s a example:

if your original email address is datadigger@gmail.com, any emails
sent to data.digger@gmail.com or data..digger@gmail.com Will
land in your mailbox because Gmail ignores periods in the
email username. How’s that for a cool trick? Neat eh!.
That’s how you can trick Twitter. If my tip helped you!

Would you please do me a small favor and write me a small Google review…I’d Sure appreciate it. Just click on the pencil. Thanks! Data Digger Don


Data Digger Don – Tip for you today!

My tip for you today.

If you are going to build a website or have a webmaster build one for you,be sure to use the following platform…Word press.org and the theme…Responsive.

Responsive Theme is a flexible foundation with fluid grid system that adapts your website to mobile devices and the desktop or any other viewing environment.
For more details…




Your competitor is building their online social equity, Are you?

I operate a Reputation Marketing Company that specializes in Marketing and Managing the social presence of corporations,and small business owners. One of the most valuable benefits of social media is the opportunity to build your businesses brand.

Right now! Your competitor is building their online social equity, Are you?

If you’re not!…In the long run You’ll loose customers and money!

Your choice is simple…Contact me ASAP! So we can put together a strategic social media marketing plan that will ensure that you are gaining “Daily Social Media Deposits” that will build And build Your Social Equity ensuring a healthy bottom line for your online business for years to come.

Just remember you’re not alone… I’m here to help!
You can contact me by phone, email, or a Google hangout.

When You Become Successful! I Become Successful! TM

Don Reykdal


Free check up on your “WEBSITE SEO HEALTH” Best in Edmonton.

I’d like to thank you for visiting Data Digger Investagations.

I’d like to show my appreciation by giving you a choice of two Free Gifts and a discount on a full in depth report on your online business presence that will earn and save you thousands of dollars.

1. Free check up on your “SEO HEALTH” of your website. Your website coding could have problems that are stopping your site from ranking on the first page of Google. After I give you a check up if there are some problems I’ll tell you how to fix them.

2. Free check up on your business online reputation.If you don’t have a good reputation you don’t have a business. If there are problems I can tell you how to fix then and grow your business into a Powerful leader in your industry.

3.Regular Price = $197.00 Discount price of only $97.00 for a in depth report on your business online presence. You’ll learn how to make changes that will earn and save you thousands of dollars. Listen… if someone walked up to you and said if you give me $100.00 I will give you $2,000 to $10,000 cash back, would you say…No thanks! or Yes Please!. This is what I’m offering you right now! The right information at the right time when acted upon can make the statement above a reality. Are you wise enough to understand this?. Only time and your actions will tell. Follow the simple instructions below…

Provide us with the following…
1.contact name
2. Your website name
3. Email address

Just send to: donr555@gmail.com

And choose which ” Free ” check Up Gift you’d like. Each “Free” Gift comes with a full Report sent to you by email.

You don’t want to miss out on this! Your “Free” Check up gift is Valued at $ 197.00


Don Reykdal



Please visit me on my Google + Page. I have more great content there that can help you. Just click here or the Red Google + Button on any of my other pages. Thanks!

If You Don’t Watch This Video You’ll Loose Money!.

If You Don’t Watch This Video You’ll Loose Money!. Because having a Google+ Page will be the most important thing you can do in 2014 to grow your business and earn more profits. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity. Having a excellently built Google+page that has interesting content that is optimized properly for the search engines will get more of your potential customers to walk in through your doors or pick up the phone and place orders.

Please do me a small favor and write me a brief review at the bottom of this page. Thanks!

Why should I get a Google Rich snippet?

My tip for you today!.

If you want to stand out from your competition you
need to get a Google Rich snippet.

What is a Google Rich snippet?

Rich snippets offer the consumer searching for a product or service a summary of

what’s on your web page and why it’s relevant to their search.

Why should I get a Google Rich snippet?

The main reason is what I stated above,and you need to think of it this way…Rich snippets are the icing on the cake so to speak.They make your listing almost jump off the Google search results page. Which would you choose the cake with the pretty icing and decorations or the plain old cake next to it?. You know the answer…Of Course the one with the pretty icing and decorations.

So with that said! Have you created your Google #Richsnippet yet? If you answered No! You’re missing out on a great opportunity to drive more potential customers to your website and increase your profits.

Below is an example of one of my Google Rich snippet’s. Note: The snippet has a orange box around it.

I like helping businesses succeed online, if you found this information helpful please click the Google plus 1 button and share this post.

Go here ASAP! And create yours.

How can I validate my +Snippet markup?You can use the Structured Data Testing Tool to verify your +Snippet markup. Go here

Please Remember to click the Google plus 1 button and share this post.  Thanks!