About Don Reykdal

Hello! Please allow me to introduce my self...I'm Don Reykdal From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada. I'm the owner and founder of Data Digger Investagations.com I'm an expert at Reputation Marketing and Management. I've been online since 1992 way before there was a thing called a mouse or the web with a graphic inter-phase. It was me and "DOS' and the biggest search engine was "Web-crawler" then Yahoo! came and took over,now Google is the big kid on the block, and now most people connect and surf the Internet with their phones. I've been online for 21 years now! and I look forward to the next 21 more years...My prediction is by 2018 we will access the Internet by a pair of glasses with a mini computer and it will obey all our voice commands. lol Do you have any questions about your businesses online reputation...Like how can I have a more Powerful Presence online? How can I start to protect my online reputation? How can I take control and build my online reputation? And why is it very important that I should get a Google plus page as soon as possible. Data Digger Investagations Helps Business Owners Build Positive Online Business Reputations. We help business owners attract more customers and earn more profit by implementing our Powerful Marketing Strategies that will build their online business reputation. We're committed to helping businesses build their business reputation into a five-star Reputation. I'd be happy to help!. I'm only a phone call away. To your online success. Don Reykdal Click the link below for more details https://www.datadiggerinvestagations.com

How to update your Google+page more effectively.

How to update your Google+page more effectively.


Are your potential customers finding you? And if they do…What will they see? What will they learn? Will your information help to solve a problem for them? Are you providing valuable content that is engaging, informative, or entertaining. These are some of the questions you as a business owner should ask yourself on a daily basis, and then you’ll be able to update your Google+page more effectively and receive the results you are looking for.


Do you have a mobile friendly website?

Do you have a mobile friendly website?

I help businesses like yours create mobile friendly websites that are easy for mobile users to view and navigate. Since the purpose of having a website is to get your company more leads and sales, making it mobile-friendly only makes sense.

Call Today! 780 – 479-0859 ask for Don.