My marketing strategies get results for my client’s.

My marketing strategies get results for my client’s, here’s proof, just look at how many people have been reached from this post…5,792 people reached. Data Digger Don could do the same for your business.

Results for my client's

Be my guest and take a look at the original post.


Do you like my BBQ PICTURES?. This is my Asian bbq chicken…it's crunchy good.

Posted by The BBQ KING on Sunday,March 13, 2016

Data Digger Don On The First Page Of Google.

Just think! if I can get my website to come up in 5 Positions on the First Page Of Google….Then You Know I Can Get Your Website On The First Page Too!. Give Me a Call In 2016 Let’s Get More Customers For You. 780 479-0859

Data Digger Investagations - Building Your Online Business Reputation

Data Digger Investagations – Building Your Online Business Reputation

To Your Success! #DataDiggerDon #Reputationmarketing

What would you do if you won 1.4 Billion?.

What would you do if you won 1.4 Billion?.

I started a lottery group yesterday,I have a friend in the U.S.A Who will buy our group the tickets. I know what I’d do,I would start a Angel investment business and help inventors bring their inventions to market. Plus I would help people in desperate financial situations.

#Powerball #DataDiggerDon

Black Friday Data Digger Don Deals.

Black Friday Data Digger Don Deals.

Grab yourself a Hot deal starting Friday Nov 20,2015 right through to Nov 28,2015

Data Digger Don will give you Double my 20% discount for 8 days only. I must be crazy! but I love helping businesses succeed. This is the hottest deal on the Internet for a #BlackFriday deal. Where else can you find value packed services for a 40% discount?. Warning! this is a one time deal I offer only once a year. Don’t miss out on this money saving deal.Go to the page below and pick as many services as you want.


Send me an email to

Subject: Black Friday 40% discount.

I look forward to being of service to you.

Thank you!  #Datadiggerdon



Yes! The day has Finley arrived…It’s BACK TO THE FUTURE DAY!.
Are you going to the theater to watch it again or just stay at home and cuddle on the couch with your honey and watch it?. I myself will do the latter. lol

Here’s a little teaser to get you in the mood if you’re not already.

Brought to you by: #Datadiggerdon

How To Stop The Hackers By #Datadiggerdon

The hackers keep trying to hack my websites but they can’t because! I’ve made it very difficult for them. You can do the same and protect your website by following my simply steps or hire me to do it for you.


Step 1. Create a very strong user name and replace the default user name ADMIN.

Step 2. Create a very strong password for every website that you own.
Step 3. Do note use the same password for every website.
Step 4. Install a good malware scanner on your website…Like Wordfence. At least make sure you install the Free version…You can always upgrade to the paid one later.

I only charge a small fee for this service.

Ask yourself this simple question…How much would it cost me if my website got hacked tomorrow and I lost a day or two worth of business and had to have viruses removed or worse yet my entire website rebuilt. Would it cost you Hundreds or Thoughsands of dollars?  You know it would!.

My service would give you so much peace of mind for so little…Is your business website security worth the cost of a meal for a family of four at a fast food restaurant?. You know the answer.

Here’s an example of one of my websites and how a hacker tried his best to hack in but! couldn’t! thanks to the steps I’ve taken to protect my website…I can do the same for YOU!.
A user with IP address has been locked out from the signing in or using the password recovery form for the following reason: Exceeded the maximum number of login failures which is: 20. The last username they tried to sign in with was: ‘admin’

Remember…My service would give you so much peace of mind for so little…Is your business website security worth the cost of a meal for a family of four at a fast food restaurant?. You know the answer.

Don’t make it easy for the hackers…Get #Datadiggerdon to protect your website today. Call: 780-479-0859