They held my website hostage for 5-days.

Hi There!,

Note: On Nov 20,2012

I phoned Network solutions and had them unlock my domain so
I could transfer my URL to
I Just want to let you know that data digger investagations website will be down for up to 5-days because of the policy of “NETWORK SOLUTIONS .COM” My domain is coming up for renewal in March, so I thought I would renew it, but! Network Solution didn’t turn out to be the affordable Solution, so I put in a domain transfer to Go-daddy.  “NETWORK SOLUTIONS .COM” has decided to hold on to my domain URL for another 5-days before releasing it to Go-daddy so I can change the DNS Settings and get my website back up on the Internet. This is just not Right! this process should and can be done in 2-days. Why is “NETWORK SOLUTIONS .COM” Telling me it will take 5 to 7 days? This is like holding my business and website hostage. Would you want to do business with a company like this? They had an opportunity to shine but! they blew it!.

It’s Nov 25,2012 My website is up again.

They held my website hostage for 5-days. I will never do business with them

EVER! AGAIN. You’d be wise to stay clear of them too!.