10 Rules to follow When You Post Online.

Posting online can open the door for the potential of being exploited by

criminals. Remember to always keep this in mind before you do anything online.

Here is my Do not Do list:

1) Do not post anything … that you wouldn’t be happy for the whole wide
world to see.

2) Do not post things that aren’t true! or make false allegations that you
can’t prove.

3) When you’re mad at someone…take 10-breaths…relax! and do not…send a
nasty email based on an instant gut reaction! that…you will regret later.
It’s very hard and impossible to try and delete once you send it.

4) Do not use your full name unless you feel comfortable in doing so.

5) Do not upload photos you wouldn’t want the world to see.

6) Do not post your true home address or private email unless you feel

comfortable in doing so….Example: If you run a home business and you feel
you need to.

7) Do not post your real Phone number unless you feel comfortable in doing
so….Example: If you run a home business and you feel you need to.

8) Do not give information about your planned movements which would let a
criminal know when you’re not at home. Like posting your vacation plans in
“EVENTS” on Facebook.

9) Do not upload pictures of your children and post them just
anywhere…create a private group on your social networking site and upload
them there.

10) And last of all… Do not act like a “JACKASS” and “ABUSE” People online.

If you do…in the end it will be you who suffers! the most.

By: Don.R

Data Digger Don From Edmonton Can Increase Your Profits.