Should I place an ad in the Yellow page directory?

Should I place an ad in the Yellow page directory?

One word…NO!.

Why shouldn’t I?…  It’s the old way of advertising and it’s dieing a slow
death. And most of all…

Because the consumer today isn’t in the mindset to go and pick up the Yellow
page book.  When was the last time you reached for it?

Today’s consumer reaches for their phone to do searches online
when they are out and about. If they are at home they will hop on the

People carry their Smartphones around with them everywhere.This little
device is changing how each one of us lives our daily life’s.

Stop! and think for a moment just how much you use your smartphone.

So if you think advertising in the Yellow pages directory is a smart
business decision ! be my guest if you like wasting your money!

If you cling to the old ways and don’t learn to move ahead with the changes
taking place in the world of technology your online business will not grow
and be successful.

You would be far better off paying for a website or blog with great content
that is updated daily by a knowledgeable “Social Media Manager”.

If you are in need of a knowledgeable “Social Media Manager” Look no

My goal is to provide and implement my Internet marketing strategies that will ” BUILD YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS REPUTATION”.

Don Reykdal