How to get and turn new website visitors into customers.

How to get and turn new website visitors into customers.

I myself like and live by the “KISS FORMULA” Keep it simple silly.

When people land on your website they don’t want to have to think about how to do things like complicated navigation,filling in pop up forms,too many confusing links,contact forms,having to search for the information they Goggled.

The only thing the above will accomplish is to turn your visitor
off in an instant and the result will be that they will leave your website in one fast click of their mouse,never to return. And I know that you don’t want this to happen on your website.

Read on to learn how to avoid this…

Remember these important facts:

1.Content is King! If you have great relevant information that will engage  your visitors and update it daily, You will then have the key to unlock  the treasure chest.

2.Do not create a Flash based website! Yes it may look really neat and fun  to watch for 30-seconds but! it has a Hugh flaw! And that is…when the Bots from Google, Bing, Yahoo! come to index your website they don’t easily understand “FLASH” And you stand to have your website “Not indexed”.

For those that don’t understand what indexed means,it simply means you’ll be listed in the search engines directory. only Then does your website stand a chance to be Ranked on a Google search results page.

3.Invest your money and time on content strategy! This is more important   than a beautifully designed website. A simple designed website is the best
and most  effective.

When I said that Content is king! I’m also talking about copy-writing “the words that sell your products and services” this is one of the most over looked aspects of a successful website. If you’re not a skilled copywriter hire one. If you’re on a tight budget go to:  or

4.Here’s the last fact I feel is one of the most important because! if it’s not done right! all the important information above won’t even matter! and that is…”Search Engine Optimization”.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Well! it’s simply the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s “natural” “organic” search results.

Search Engine Optimization is performed by a skilled person that uses meta codes that the Bots from Google, Bing, Yahoo! Understand and then return and give their report on the importance of relevant information on a website
that matches a Google search that was done by a consumer.

If this is done right! a website will receive more visitors from the search engine’s users.

I provide “Search Engine Optimization Services”.

My goal is to implement my “Search Engine Optimization Skill’s” To help your website get seen by your potential new customer.

This service will also save you a great deal of money on advertising costs.

Get started today!  I’m only a phone call away.

If you don’t get an answer right away I’m busy with a client so please leave a message and I’ll get back to you ASAP!.

Don Reykdal