About Don Reykdal

Hello! Please allow me to introduce my self...I'm Don Reykdal From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada. I'm the owner and founder of Data Digger Investagations.com I'm an expert at Reputation Marketing and Management. I've been online since 1992 way before there was a thing called a mouse or the web with a graphic inter-phase. It was me and "DOS' and the biggest search engine was "Web-crawler" then Yahoo! came and took over,now Google is the big kid on the block, and now most people connect and surf the Internet with their phones. I've been online for 21 years now! and I look forward to the next 21 more years...My prediction is by 2018 we will access the Internet by a pair of glasses with a mini computer and it will obey all our voice commands. lol Do you have any questions about your businesses online reputation...Like how can I have a more Powerful Presence online? How can I start to protect my online reputation? How can I take control and build my online reputation? And why is it very important that I should get a Google plus page as soon as possible. Data Digger Investagations Helps Business Owners Build Positive Online Business Reputations. We help business owners attract more customers and earn more profit by implementing our Powerful Marketing Strategies that will build their online business reputation. We're committed to helping businesses build their business reputation into a five-star Reputation. I'd be happy to help!. I'm only a phone call away. To your online success. Don Reykdal Click the link below for more details https://www.datadiggerinvestagations.com

They held my website hostage for 5-days.

Hi There!,

Note: On Nov 20,2012

I phoned Network solutions and had them unlock my domain so
I could transfer my URL datadiggerinvestagations.com to Godaddy.com
I Just want to let you know that data digger investagations website will be down for up to 5-days because of the policy of “NETWORK SOLUTIONS .COM” My domain is coming up for renewal in March, so I thought I would renew it, but! Network Solution didn’t turn out to be the affordable Solution, so I put in a domain transfer to Go-daddy.  “NETWORK SOLUTIONS .COM” has decided to hold on to my domain URL for another 5-days before releasing it to Go-daddy so I can change the DNS Settings and get my website back up on the Internet. This is just not Right! this process should and can be done in 2-days. Why is “NETWORK SOLUTIONS .COM” Telling me it will take 5 to 7 days? This is like holding my business and website hostage. Would you want to do business with a company like this? They had an opportunity to shine but! they blew it!.

It’s Nov 25,2012 My website is up again.

They held my website hostage for 5-days. I will never do business with them

EVER! AGAIN. You’d be wise to stay clear of them too!.

A comment from one of my happy customer’s.

 A comment from one of my happy customer’s.

Thanks! Don.  I searched in Google, the keyword  “Chinese food delivery Edmonton” was in position #3.  The keyword search on “Chinese food Edmonton ” is still way down the list. “Szechuan” was in number one position when I searched.  Excellent results!  Thanks again.  

Hi Kim,

You’re very welcome!.

It’s nice to see my hard work for the “Search Engine Optimization” is bringing in Excellent results for Szechuan Castle.

“Building Your Online Business Reputation”.

Don Reykdal

If you belong to a union Your livelihood is in jeopardy.

Do you know what bill c377  is for? Plain and simple…It will force unions to disclose money spent on “labor related  activities”.

This bill is not right! This is a union busting Tactic. As a business owner if you were told tomorrow by the government that you had to disclose all your private business information to your competitors…Would you comply? Or would you tell the government to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.  

If you belong to a union share this …Your livelihood is in jeopardy. Stand up for your rights! Share this now!

Watch the video below…

Click Here To Watch the video …




Do you own a Restaurant – Pub or Pizza business.

Do you own a Restaurant – Pub or Pizza business.

If you answered yes! you’ll need to read the very important information below…


It doesn’t matter if you have a website online or not because! Somewhere on the Internet your business is listed in a directory where people are going to talk about your business whether you like it or not.

That’s just the way the Internet functions these days. “Reviews are now the life blood of the Internet”.

There are so many social websites on the Internet where consumers can voice their comments about your business,be they Negative or positive.

A review basically is a customers testimonials. Word of mouth is so Powerful I’m sure you’d agree.

Here is one of the most Important questions I have to ask you!…

Do you have the skill or time to respond to these reviews people are going to write about your business?

Below is some Important facts that can make or break your business.

65 % of internet consumers prefer choosing an establishment with many  reviews over an establishment with few or none.

45 % of internet users read other people’s reviews.

The fact below is so Powerful and Huge!…

79% of internet consumers will trust a customers review over a critics review! Think about This…That is so Powerful! and I can make this work to build Your business reputation online.

47% of all internet users 18yrs old have left a review online!

Customers reading these reviews are willing to pay more money for a service or product from a business with more reviews than it’s competitors.

78% of internet consumers believe and trust customer reviews more than advertising! think how much money you can save on your advertising budget over time.

If you avoid responding to these reviews your business will not grow.

What is your business worth?  Think of the costs  
these negative reviews are costing your business every month.

it’s like having an angry customer standing outside your business telling your new customers how unhappy they are with your business and why they shouldn’t buy your products or services.

You need someone on your side!.

So if you don’t have the skill or time to respond to these reviews people are going to write about your business…I’m here to help!.

I’m a Social Media Manager and I have many sizzling social media strategies in place that will increase the amount of real positive testimonials and neutralize the negative ones.

I’m very affordable and can offer you services for monthly reputation management. I will handle and neutralize any and all negative reviews,7 days a week,365 days a year.

Contact Don at  780-479-0859.

If I’m busy with client just leave me a message and I’ll get
back to you as soon as possible.

How to get and turn new website visitors into customers.

How to get and turn new website visitors into customers.

I myself like and live by the “KISS FORMULA” Keep it simple silly.

When people land on your website they don’t want to have to think about how to do things like complicated navigation,filling in pop up forms,too many confusing links,contact forms,having to search for the information they Goggled.

The only thing the above will accomplish is to turn your visitor
off in an instant and the result will be that they will leave your website in one fast click of their mouse,never to return. And I know that you don’t want this to happen on your website.

Read on to learn how to avoid this…

Remember these important facts:

1.Content is King! If you have great relevant information that will engage  your visitors and update it daily, You will then have the key to unlock  the treasure chest.

2.Do not create a Flash based website! Yes it may look really neat and fun  to watch for 30-seconds but! it has a Hugh flaw! And that is…when the Bots from Google, Bing, Yahoo! come to index your website they don’t easily understand “FLASH” And you stand to have your website “Not indexed”.

For those that don’t understand what indexed means,it simply means you’ll be listed in the search engines directory. only Then does your website stand a chance to be Ranked on a Google search results page.

3.Invest your money and time on content strategy! This is more important   than a beautifully designed website. A simple designed website is the best
and most  effective.

When I said that Content is king! I’m also talking about copy-writing “the words that sell your products and services” this is one of the most over looked aspects of a successful website. If you’re not a skilled copywriter hire one. If you’re on a tight budget go to:  elance.com  or   fivver.com

4.Here’s the last fact I feel is one of the most important because! if it’s not done right! all the important information above won’t even matter! and that is…”Search Engine Optimization”.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Well! it’s simply the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s “natural” “organic” search results.

Search Engine Optimization is performed by a skilled person that uses meta codes that the Bots from Google, Bing, Yahoo! Understand and then return and give their report on the importance of relevant information on a website
that matches a Google search that was done by a consumer.

If this is done right! a website will receive more visitors from the search engine’s users.

I provide “Search Engine Optimization Services”.

My goal is to implement my “Search Engine Optimization Skill’s” To help your website get seen by your potential new customer.

This service will also save you a great deal of money on advertising costs.

Get started today!  I’m only a phone call away.

If you don’t get an answer right away I’m busy with a client so please leave a message and I’ll get back to you ASAP!.

Don Reykdal

Should I place an ad in the Yellow page directory?

Should I place an ad in the Yellow page directory?

One word…NO!.

Why shouldn’t I?…  It’s the old way of advertising and it’s dieing a slow
death. And most of all…

Because the consumer today isn’t in the mindset to go and pick up the Yellow
page book.  When was the last time you reached for it?

Today’s consumer reaches for their phone to do searches online
when they are out and about. If they are at home they will hop on the

People carry their Smartphones around with them everywhere.This little
device is changing how each one of us lives our daily life’s.

Stop! and think for a moment just how much you use your smartphone.

So if you think advertising in the Yellow pages directory is a smart
business decision ! be my guest if you like wasting your money!

If you cling to the old ways and don’t learn to move ahead with the changes
taking place in the world of technology your online business will not grow
and be successful.

You would be far better off paying for a website or blog with great content
that is updated daily by a knowledgeable “Social Media Manager”.

If you are in need of a knowledgeable “Social Media Manager” Look no

My goal is to provide and implement my Internet marketing strategies that will ” BUILD YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS REPUTATION”.

Don Reykdal

Your competitor is building thier online social equity, Are you?

Right now! Your competitor is building their online social equity, Are you?
If you’re not!…In the long run You’ll loose customers and money!

Your choice is simple…Contact me ASAP! So we can put together a strategic

social media plan that will ensure that you are gaining “Daily Social Media

Deposits” that will build And build Your Social Equity ensuring a healthy

bottom line for your online business for years to come.

Get started today! Contact:

Don Reykdal  789-479-0858

Do you know the most valuable benefit of social media?

One of the most valuable benefits of social media is the opportunity to
build your businesses brand. When you have a strategic social media plan,
you have the advantage to take charge of your online reputation and share
with the world or just your local market what you and your business is

Contact me ASAP! So we can put together a strategic social media plan that will ensure that you are gaining “Daily Social Media Deposits” that will build And build Your Social Equity ensuring a healthy bottom line for your online business for years to come.

Get started today! Contact:

Don Reykdal  789-479-0858


why are you in business and what gets you excited?




As a business owner why are you in business and what gets you excited?..


Is it….”Making Money”.. and.. “Saving Money”? You bet! It is.

In a nutshell that’s the bottom line for any business owner.


Now! I’d like to ask you one more important question…  And that is…What scares “You” to death as a business owner ?..


Is it…. “Losing Money” .. and.. “Wasting Money”? You bet! It is. Again it all boils down to the bottom line for any business owner.


Data Digger Investagations can help you with your bottom line. We have very powerful social media strategies that will grow your business and increase your profits.

Stop! “Losing Money” .. and.. “Wasting Money” get…

Data Digger Investagations” on your side Today!.


Call: 780-479-0859 Ask for Don